With the Holidays coming up, we want to keep our houses clean and cozy. What better way to feel at home then arriving to a house with clean carpets.

These coming holidays, let’s give that “home” feeling to our families and guests. A clean and great smelling carpet can speak a million words to our guests. We can bring a significant amount of comfort by having our carpets clean. When guests are staying the night, there’s a good chance shoes are coming off. We want those guests to be able to walk comfortably with out worrying about any dirty spots. What comes after is another story.



Someone spilled soda? Yeah that’s sounds about right.

During the holidays, this is known to be a common theme. Maybe it was the kids, or maybe an adult, you may never find out who split the soda next to the couch. But of course we want to clean that up.


Quick Tip

Spilled soda – First step is to pick up excess by damping a clean rag, or by using a vacuum cleaner. Next step is to use a mild detergent (diluted dawn liquid soap or similar) then scrub with a brush gently, followed by using a clean damp rag to pick up any remaining staining until it looks clean. Following these steps will minimize the stains if not remove completely it just depends on the type of carpet.


Call us!!

You may have not fully removed that stain, or you may just be too busy. We would be more than happy to take on that challenge and get your carpet cleaned. Click the orange BOOK ONLINE box and set up your appointment. Read more about cleaning your carpet in one of our previous post here; Have you cleaned your carpets lately?

You can reach us by phone at 775-800-1429 or by email at services@newsunrisecleaning.com. We look forward to booking your next carpet cleaning appointment today!